Mark Aindow
Defects and Interfaces, Microstructural Development in Alloys and Thin Films & Electron Microscopy
S. Pamir Alpay
Vice President for Research, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship
Board of Trustees Distinguished Professor
Materials Modeling, Functional Materials, Metallurgy
Atomic Scale Modeling, Mesoscale Modeling, Microstructural Evolution, Mechanics of Materials, Defects, Interfaces, Materials Under Extreme Environments
Alexander Dupuy
Assistant Professor
Processing of Ceramics, Functional Materials, High Temperature Materials, High Entropy Ceramics, Phase Transformations, Structure – Property – Processing Relationships
Metals Processing, Manufacturing, Corrosion, Residual Stress, Phase Transformations, Structure – Property – Processing Relationships
Nanomaterials Synthesis, Characterization and Manipulation, Nanotechnology for Energy, Environmental and Biomedical Applications
Rainer Hebert
Director of Pratt & Whitney Additive Manufacturing Center
Associate Director of IMS
Phase Transformations, Metals & alloys, Metalic Glasses & Severe Plastic Deformation Processing
Scanning Probe Microscopy, Photovoltaics, Data Storage Dynamics, Nano-Bio-Mechanics, Functional Ceramics
Jasna Jankovic
Associate Professor
Advanced Imaging and Spectroscopy Techniques, Nanomaterials for Clean Energy Applications, Fuel Cells, Batteries, Structure-Property-Performance Correlation
Cato T. Laurencin, M.D., Ph.D.
University Professor
Van Dusen Distinguished Endowed Chair Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery
Chief Executive Officer, Connecticut Convergence Institute for Translation in Regenerative Engineering
Regenerative Engineering, Advanced Biomaterials, Nanotechnology, Polymer Chemistry, Polymer Physics
Seok-Woo Lee
Associate Professor
Director for Undergraduate Studies
Mechanical Behavior of Advanced Structural Materials, Dislocation Plasticity, Fracture Mechanics, Nano-Mechanics, Deformation Under Cryogenic Environment, High Strain Rate Deformation, Materials for Space Exploration, Metal Additive Manufacturing
Fiona Leek
Director Undergraduate Laboratories
Assistant Professor-in-Residence
Polymer Characterization and Failure Analysis
Radenka Maric
President | University of Connecticut
Board of Trustees Distinguished Professor
Novel Materials for High Temperature Fuel Cells
Serge M. Nakhmanson
Associate Professor
Director for Accreditation
Multiscale Modeling of Materials, Multifunctional Ferroics, Soft Materials
Volkan Ortalan
Associate Professor
Ultrafast Electron Microscopy, Aberration-corrected In-situ TEM, Heterogeneous Catalysts, Materials Under Extreme Conditions, Polymers, Low-dimensional Materials, Additive Manufacturing
George A. Rossetti Jr.
Associate Professor
Associate Department Head
Dielectric & Piezoelectric Ceramics, Ferroelectricity, Phenomenological Modeling, Electrical & Thermophysical Properties Characterization
Xueju "Sophie" Wang
Associate Professor
Design and Fabrication of Flexible, Multifunctional Structures and Electronics, Mechanics of Deformation and Fracture of Materials, Energy Storage and Conversion
Ji-Cheng ‘JC’ Zhao
Dean of the College of Engineering
Simplified and Robust Assessments of Atomic Mobilities, Ultrafast High-Temperature Sintering, Composition Phase Diagram Mapping, Binary Metallic Solid Solutions, Atmospheric-Pressure Plasma for Extreme-Temperature Synthesis, Science of alloys, Computational alloy design, Integrated Computational Materials Engineering, and High-Throughput Methods
Xiao-Dong Zhou
Director, Center for Clean Energy Engineering; Special Advisor to UConn President in Sustainability; The Nicholas E. Madonna Chair in Sustainability; CT Clean Energy Fund Professor in Sustainability
Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics, Electrochemistry, Surface and Interface of Functional Oxides, Electronic Ceramics, Defect Chemistry
Yuanyuan Zhu
Associate Professor
MSE Honors Program Director
Advanced Materials for Fusion Energy, Heterogenous Catalysis for Clean Energy, In-situ/Operando Transmission Electron Microscopy, Deep Learning and Computer Vision for Materials Science
Yusuf Khan
Associate Professor
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, UConn Health Center
Tissue Engineering, Biocompatible and Biodegradable Scaffolds
Sangamesh Kumbar
Associate Professor
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, UConn Health Center
Synthesis and Characterization of Novel Biomaterials for Tissue Engineering and Drug Delivery Applications
Lakshmi Nair
Associate Professor
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, UConn Health Center
Regenerative Engineering, Injectable Hydrogels, Nanostructured Materials, Drug Delivery
Syam Nukavarapu
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Biomaterials, Engineered Matrices, Tissue Engineering
ADDITIONAL FACULTY in MSE GRADUATE PROGRAM (eligible as primary advisors for PhD/MS students)
Menka Jain
Associate Professor
Department of Physics
Functional Metal-oxide Materials
Steven L. Suib
Director of IMS
Board of Trustees Professor
Department of Chemistry
Solid State Inorganic Chemistry, Zeolites and Microporous Materials, Environmental Chemistry, Plasma Chemistry and Catalysis, Semiconductors, Inorganic Photocatalysis, Batteries, Ceramics
Brian G. Willis
Plasmonic Materials for Electro-optic Nanodevices and Solar Cells, Semiconductor Materials Processing, Photocatalysis, and Chemical Sensors for Electronic Nose Technology
Ryan M. Deacon
Adjunct Professor
Alloy Development, High Temperature Corrosion, Materials Characterization with Electrons and X-rays
Alyssa Denno
Adjunct Professor
Alloy Processing, Failure Analysis for Aerospace Applications, Material Characterization with Scanning Electron Microscopy
Daniel Goberman
Adjunct Professor
High Temperature Environmental Barrier Coatings for Aerospace Applications
Naba Karan
Assistant Research Professor
Electrochemical Energy Storage - Rechargeable Batteries; Electrode and Electrolyte Development, Solid State Batteries, Thermal/Safety Characterization of Batteries
Rajiv Naik
Professor in Residence
Composite Materials, Materials Design, Mechanical Properties
Sanjeev K. Nayak
Research Scholar
First-principles Thermodynamics, Defects in Solids, Defect Induced Magnetism and Structural Transformations in Complex Oxides
Greg Ojard
Adjunct Professor
Experimental Characterization of Mechanical Properties of Advanced Materials
Sanjubala Sahoo
Research Scholar
First-principles Modeling, Physics and Chemistry of Surfaces, Catalysis and Magnetism
Advanced Characterization Techniques, Electron Microscopy, Novel Alloy Development, Failure Analysis, Materials in Extreme Environments.
Nanomaterial Synthesis, Engineering and Characterization, Heterogeneous Catalysis for Clean Energy and Environmental Applications, Advanced Sensing and Filtration
Norbert D. Greene
Emeritus Professor
Eric Jordan
Emeritus Professor
Theo Z. Kattamis
Emeritus Professor
Prabhakar Singh
Emeritus Professor
Materials Science & Engineering
25 King Hill Road
University of Connecticut
Storrs, CT 06269-3136
Phone: (860) 486-4620