Master of Engineering

The Master of Engineering (MENG) is a graduate degree merging the benefits of materials engineering and professional development courses. It is designed for already-practicing engineers, those interested in expanding their skills before entering industry, and those considering transitioning into a Ph.D. program in the future. Students select plans of study that best match their educational interests or help them attain their professional goals.

The Materials Science & Engineering concentration offers courses covering the discovery, design, selection, characterization, modeling and applications of modern engineering materials, especially metals, alloys, ceramics and composites. Courses in the curriculum place common emphasis on the development of fundamental principles used to establish relationships between structure, processing, properties and performance of materials in engineering applications. As the advancement of many critical technologies will require the development of enabling materials, the field of materials science and engineering is increasingly important.

The Materials Science and Engineering department at the UCONN College of Engineering is among the top 25 public programs in the country, and the highest rated engineering graduate program in UCONN Engineering.

MENG students can earn the degree part time (often sponsored by their employer) or full time. Requirements for the MENG degree in the Materials Science and Engineering concentration are described in the Plan of Study.

For questions about this program, please reach out to the Center for Advanced Engineering Education at