By Rhonda Ward
Merton C. Flemings Award presented to Professor Harold D. Brody (left) by Professor Merton C. Flemings of MIT (center), with Professor Diran Apelian of Worcester Polytechnic Institute and founding Director of ACRC (right)
The Advanced Casting Research Center of Worcester Polytechnic Institute has bestowed its Merton C. Flemings Award upon Distinguished Professor Harold Brody. The award is given biennially to recognize individuals who have made significant contributions to the understanding of solidification processing fundamentals, which have been applied commercially in the foundry industry.
Dr. Brody, a Distinguished Professor of Materials Science and Engineering has focused his research on understanding casting and solidifications processes, on applying computer-aided analysis and design to materials processing with emphasis on casting, and on innovating in engineering education. At MIT, as a student, as a member of the research staff, and as a visiting professor, Dr. Brody collaborated with Professor Merton Flemings and his colleagues and students to provide models for solute redistribution during dendritic solidification of casting and welds, for application of directional solidification to high temperature superconductors, and for undercooled alloys.
The ACRC is an academic-industry partnership headquartered on the campus of Worcester Polytechnic Institute in Worcester, MA. The center focuses on assisting industry partners with technical issues, specifically in the areas of light metals, non-ferrous alloys, and semi-solid processing.
Published: June 25, 2018
Categories: awards, faculty, news
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