Peoplesoft ID:
Year at UConn:
Major Advisor:
Minor (if applicable):
Course Number:
Section Number:
Course Instructor:
- Independent Study Information (Undergraduate/Graduate):
- Please fill out the “Independent Study Authorization” form found here. Professors, advisors, and the department head can sign the form electronically.
- Assemble a copy of the syllabus, including for research, directed readings, etc.
- Email the completed form, and the corresponding syllabus,
- Schedule Revisions (Add/Drop Courses, UG or GR level):
- Complete the “Schedule Revision Request” form found here. Professors, advisors, and the department head can sign the form electronically.
- Email the completed form to
- General Reminders:
- Adding Courses: After the 4th week of the semester, the SOE dean must also approve and sign the form.
- Dropping Courses: If a student drops a course after the second week of the semester, a “W” for withdrawal is recorded on the transcript
- Graduate Plan of Study Form:
- The “Plan of Study” form can be found here. Professors, advisors, and the department head can sign the form electronically.
- Email the completed form to
- General Reminders:
- The plan of study must be signed by the student, and by each member of the advisory committee, before submission to the Office of the Registrar for final approval.
- When fully approved, copies of the plan of study are scanned and e-mailed to the student, major advisor, and department administrator.
- In case of necessary revisions to an already approved PoS, the “Request for Changes in Plan of Study” form can be found here.